I [heart] The Internets: Weekly Roundup
Brad's miniseries - China, Illinois - debuted on Adult Swim last night! It's now up in it's entirety at the link. If you don't 'get it', we're probably not friends. Not safe for work. Not one bit! I went and read a bunch of reactions on the adultswim forums because I was curious. That was a mistake. People aren't very smart sometimes.
On a thread titled 'brad neely':
Person A: why does that name sound familiar?
Person B: wizards
Person A: o yeah that babycakes guy.
I love it when people ask things like why the name Brad Neely sounds familiar while they're ON. THE. INTERNET. Let's make wikipedia bookmarks the law!
This is a few weeks old, but MAN I LOVE SHOWALTER!
Best Song to Do "The Rock Lobster" To: "Rock Lobster" by The B-52's
Second Best Song to Do "The Rock Lobster" To: N/A
I want this t-shirt, thx.
Also a few weeks old (sue me, I've been in a myspace haze), but worth reading, is my friend Cindy Hotpoint's blog entry on seeing Shearwater in NYC. I got chills a couple times while reading it.
I like Jax's post about how it's okay to vote for Obama because he's foxy. Just kidding, that's not what it's about. Or, well... Just go read it!
Have you looked at The Ones We Love?? It's a really beautiful photography project where several dozen young photographers were asked to shoot their loved one(s) in an outdoor setting. Just click on photographers and start randomly looking around. It will remind you of all the faces you keep in your pocket and what they look like in the sunshine.
I'm kind of obsessed with Jena Malone and how weird/awesome she is.
I posted this new mix for Rissa on artofthemix, which is an old old old school website for posting mix CDs. The mix owes a lot to the mix project people, especially Andy and Craig, and also to Said The Gramophone. Art of the mix is one of my favorite websites. It's been around for-ever and hasn't changed much at all. I know everyone is gaga over Muxtape, but AOTM will always be my sentimental favorite mix-related site. I recently re-discovered my old username on the site -- which I don't remember the password for, because it was That long ago. I posted mixes NINE YEARS AGO on this site. NINE YEARS AGO (for Joshua). Don't judge me, I was sixteen years old! That makes me feel craaaaaazy!
'Okkervil River' on Cooking with Rockstars, if you haven't. I'm totally gonna make that chocolate caramel tart Will Sheff has up. It sounds ridiculous! I've already used Zach Thomas's grandmother's buttermilk pie recipe from this weird book. It was excellent. Cooking recipes from your favorite bands is kind of the ultimate step in fandom weirdness, yes?
Craig Thompson's abandoned work. I would say it makes me feel better to know that Thompson starts things he never finishes too, except that nothing I've ever started OR finished is half as wonderful as that little rejected chicken. Sigh.
Last but not least, PICTURES FROM MARS!
On a thread titled 'brad neely':
Person A: why does that name sound familiar?
Person B: wizards
Person A: o yeah that babycakes guy.
I love it when people ask things like why the name Brad Neely sounds familiar while they're ON. THE. INTERNET. Let's make wikipedia bookmarks the law!
This is a few weeks old, but MAN I LOVE SHOWALTER!
Best Song to Do "The Rock Lobster" To: "Rock Lobster" by The B-52's
Second Best Song to Do "The Rock Lobster" To: N/A
I want this t-shirt, thx.
Also a few weeks old (sue me, I've been in a myspace haze), but worth reading, is my friend Cindy Hotpoint's blog entry on seeing Shearwater in NYC. I got chills a couple times while reading it.
I like Jax's post about how it's okay to vote for Obama because he's foxy. Just kidding, that's not what it's about. Or, well... Just go read it!
Have you looked at The Ones We Love?? It's a really beautiful photography project where several dozen young photographers were asked to shoot their loved one(s) in an outdoor setting. Just click on photographers and start randomly looking around. It will remind you of all the faces you keep in your pocket and what they look like in the sunshine.
I'm kind of obsessed with Jena Malone and how weird/awesome she is.
I posted this new mix for Rissa on artofthemix, which is an old old old school website for posting mix CDs. The mix owes a lot to the mix project people, especially Andy and Craig, and also to Said The Gramophone. Art of the mix is one of my favorite websites. It's been around for-ever and hasn't changed much at all. I know everyone is gaga over Muxtape, but AOTM will always be my sentimental favorite mix-related site. I recently re-discovered my old username on the site -- which I don't remember the password for, because it was That long ago. I posted mixes NINE YEARS AGO on this site. NINE YEARS AGO (for Joshua). Don't judge me, I was sixteen years old! That makes me feel craaaaaazy!
'Okkervil River' on Cooking with Rockstars, if you haven't. I'm totally gonna make that chocolate caramel tart Will Sheff has up. It sounds ridiculous! I've already used Zach Thomas's grandmother's buttermilk pie recipe from this weird book. It was excellent. Cooking recipes from your favorite bands is kind of the ultimate step in fandom weirdness, yes?
Craig Thompson's abandoned work. I would say it makes me feel better to know that Thompson starts things he never finishes too, except that nothing I've ever started OR finished is half as wonderful as that little rejected chicken. Sigh.
Last but not least, PICTURES FROM MARS!

Thanks for the link!
To be clear, I wouldn't say anything so superficial as that you should vote for Obama just 'cause he's hot. I'm saying to vote for him because he has a smoky voice and he looks cool playing pool.
I have an upcoming post this week that will highlight your manifesto series -- stay tuned...
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