Miniature Soundtracks : Episode Six
Miniature Soundtracks is my small experiment in mp3 blogging. I'll be using a beloved image from my flickr photostream or favorites, reflect on it for a few sentences, and then give you a song that evokes the same feelings. If your photo or song is featured and you'd rather it not be, let me know and I'll take it down immediately.

When people leave, it's kind of exciting at first. It's like a wedding: you get the chance to express all of your emotions and be as cheesy as you want without being seen as a sap fest or corny or uncool. Leaving mix CDs are the best ones I've ever made. There's a tertiary goal of most mixes where, in addition to just sharing music or making someone happy or expressing some feelings, you're also trying to create a tie between you and something beautiful in the person's mind. It's a wonder to think that every time Freeman hears New Slang he thinks of me, and I'd like to think it's because I'm that beautiful, but really it's probably because I put it on the first mix tape I ever made for him, four years ago. When someone leaves, it's even better, because they are missing home and everything in it, hopefully yourself included, and the songs you hang them before they go are the closest thing they've got. You can make your own ghost self as beautiful as you want. When Rissa left the first time, I made her a CD that brought the waterworks on the greyhound. I think it's a good half of the reason why we're as close as we are now. The thing is, after the fun of getting to say "I love you" and hugging and mix CD giving and send offs and back pats wears off, someone is gone. And when they are the one person you want to see, you can't. Maybe they're coming back after awhile, and maybe it will be good for them, and maybe it will even be good for you. But they're gone -- gone! and all the songs in the world won't help much when you really want their face. Prepare yourself.
Unravel : Okkervil River [Bjork cover] from 'Sham Wedding / Hoax Funeral.

When people leave, it's kind of exciting at first. It's like a wedding: you get the chance to express all of your emotions and be as cheesy as you want without being seen as a sap fest or corny or uncool. Leaving mix CDs are the best ones I've ever made. There's a tertiary goal of most mixes where, in addition to just sharing music or making someone happy or expressing some feelings, you're also trying to create a tie between you and something beautiful in the person's mind. It's a wonder to think that every time Freeman hears New Slang he thinks of me, and I'd like to think it's because I'm that beautiful, but really it's probably because I put it on the first mix tape I ever made for him, four years ago. When someone leaves, it's even better, because they are missing home and everything in it, hopefully yourself included, and the songs you hang them before they go are the closest thing they've got. You can make your own ghost self as beautiful as you want. When Rissa left the first time, I made her a CD that brought the waterworks on the greyhound. I think it's a good half of the reason why we're as close as we are now. The thing is, after the fun of getting to say "I love you" and hugging and mix CD giving and send offs and back pats wears off, someone is gone. And when they are the one person you want to see, you can't. Maybe they're coming back after awhile, and maybe it will be good for them, and maybe it will even be good for you. But they're gone -- gone! and all the songs in the world won't help much when you really want their face. Prepare yourself.
Unravel : Okkervil River [Bjork cover] from 'Sham Wedding / Hoax Funeral.
Labels: miniaturesoundtracks, music
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