
a dumb survey.

when all else fails...

1. What is in the back seat of your car right now?
I do not have a car. I keep things that I feel like most people keep in the backs of their cars on the side of my bed I don't sleep on. Right now there's the purse I just switched out for a different one, my ipod and some headphones, The Brothers K, a Whole Foods baguette wrapper, and a few mixtapes. And my boombox, but it stays there. Sometimes I hug it and hold it close to my face when I'm sleeping. True story. I have a bike basket now too, but there's nothing in it right now. Sometime soon I want to put fruit and flowers in it and ride around just being the cutest girl in the world.

2. When was the last time you threw up?
About a week ago. I slept on a headache and woke up nauseous. It happens. It wasn't very glamorous, let me tell you.

3. What's your favorite curse word?

4. Name one person who made you smile this morning?
The girl at coffee looked really cute and then told me she liked my necklace. That's one of the only human interactions I've had today, so she's been raised to idol status.

5. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Trying really hard to justify still being in bed; staring at my phone alarm and putting pillows over my head.

6. Favorite sports team?
BookPeople Softball.

7. If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be?
I like how Kezia wrote 'no.' But I will indulge. This question is hard for me mostly because I'm not sure what qualifies as a 'celebrity'. What about people I know who happen to write books or play in relatively successful bands? If we're using a fairly wide scope, I might go for Will Sheff, you know, because I listen to his ideas every day already, plus I think he's nice and he reads good books. Or Jonathan Safran Foer? Could he count? Oh man, Jeffrey Brown? Craig Thompson? Do they count? If we're using a narrower definition -- magazine cover famous -- I would go for Gael Garcia Bernal. That boy gets my knickers in a twist. (Gross.) If Gael Garcia Bernal and I got married I imagine he would eat really fancy peach pies and talk to me about latin american politics and then we would lay in the sun on our porch and make out. That'd be neat.

8. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Surprisingly, no.

9. Have you ever known someone that killed another person?
Not that they know of. Or I know of.

12. What are you wearing right now?
This little black skirt and this little white shirt, both pilfered from clothes exchange. And tights. Even though it's summertime. Whatever, it's kind of cold. My shirt has a fake flower on it that is black. That's kind of weird, right?

13. Last food you ate?
Last night at about four in the morning I made myself two (two!) fake chicken and swiss cheese sandwiches. I fried the fake chicken cutlets in oil with basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, salt, and lemon pepper. I am an insane person. They were really excellent sandwiches.

14. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I really wish. Well, I shouldn't wish. Because my closet is ridiculous. But I do wish. I wish. There's this skirt at By George that I really want, but I've never bought anything at By George in my life... I need to go to Savers and get my drug fix.

15. When was the last time you ran?
It makes me really sad to say that the answer to this is that I don't remember.

16. What's the last sporting event you watched?
BookPeople Softball.

17. Last movie you saw?
Jeff and I watched Manhattan a few days ago. I have the Pavement documentary sitting at home and no one will ever watch it with me so I'm just waiting for an evening to myself...

18. Who is the last person you sent a message on myspace to?

19. Ever go camping?
Yes. I miss camping. I want to go camping this summer. Do you want to go camping with me? We can roast things. And talk. And walk around and look at stuff on the ground like deer scat and rocks. And then we can find a creek and roll up our pants or if it's nighttime just skinnydip. And then we can roast more things and talk more and sleep in our bags and feel like little snow peas all lined up in a row...

20. Were you ever an honor roll student in school?
I don't really remember. I was only in school though third grade. Mom? Dad?

21. Do you like sushi?
Sort of. I like making it and looking at it and thinking about it a lot more than I like eating it, though.

22. Do you have a tan?
I just get pink cheeks and freckled shoulders.

24. Do you drink your soda from a straw?
I love that! Especially putting a straw and maybe even an umbrella in a really cold CAN of coca cola classic. That is one of my favorite things ever. Honestly.

26. Are you someone's best friend?
I like to think so.

29. What color is your watch?
My cell phone is black.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia?
Hello? Kangaroos, Dingos, Echidnas, Platypi? Of course! The best animals in the world except for maybe Costa Rica, because they have sloths there... Hooray Australia!

32. Ever ridden on a roller coaster?
Yes! <3!

33. What is your birth stone?
Ruby. Doesn't 'birth stone' sound pretty wooey and kind of gross to you? Like it's something that comes out of your mom at the same time you do to commemerate your birth? I don't know, I'm kind of skeeved by that...

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
The only fast food places I ever go are Taco Cabana and Sonic. At Sonic, I sit in someone's car and wait for someone to bring it out. I've eaten at the little tables outside a couple times, but it makes me feel kind of weird. My favorite waitress at the Sonic by my house is named Arwen. I like that, and she's nice. At Taco Cabana I eat inside. The Taco Cabana on Riverside and Barton Springs is very efficient and usually clean, even though (like all Taco Cabanas, ever) their cokes are bad. But the one on east Riverside or Oltorf or wherever that one is -- that one is really weird. It seems really big and busy but they are very inefficient... I still eat inside, though.

35. What is your favorite number?
I remember people asking me this question when I was a kid and I always felt like there were certain numbers that other little kids always picked as their favorite -- 3 or 16 or 13 or 101 stand out to me even now -- so I picked a number I felt was underrated, the number 4. Except back then and even now, as arbitrary as 'what is your favorite number?' is for someone who is not a math geek, it feels false to say that... I don't even like the number 4. I think it's pretty square, actually. I'm going to go ahead and say that, these days, my favorite number is 62. Mostly because I like the way it looks.

36. Do you have a dog?
Oh lord I want one so bad you guys.

44. Biggest annoyance in your life right now?
Waking up early.

46. Are you allergic to anything?
Bees! Once I was in a bowling alley and I got stung by a bee and my mom wasn't there to put the stuff on it that made it okay (I should probably ask her about that now that I'm an adult, huh?) and my entire finger and hand got swollen to almost twice it's normal size. Creepy!

47. Favorite shoes that you wear all the time?
These little copper flats that are completly worn out and really loud but I love them so. I wear other shoes a lot but they are my favorites. I need to find new ones. Sigh.

48. What is one thing you've learned about life recently?
'No one really knows the ones they love; if you knew everything they thought about you you'd wish that they'd just shutup.'

49. Are you jealous of anyone?
I try to avoid it, but it happens. I don't hold it actively against people, though, I've always treated it as my own problem.

50. Is anyone jealous of you?
People who don't get to live with Rissa and Braedyn or hang out with Noah Poole. But no one specific, no.

51. do you have an ipod?
Yes. A little black nano. Right now I mostly just play the song "Love Power" by Dusty Springfield on repeat.

52. Do any of your friends have children?
Obviously. Lovely ones.

55. Do you hate anyone right now?

58. How tall are you?
Five feet and four inches. More or less. Usually more, because I love me some stupid heels.

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
Yes I have. Awesome.

60. How did you get one of your scars?
My brother threw a brick at my face. I was two. He was four. Dramatic stuff.



Okkervil River much?

Hey guys,

I have a strange little favor... I am writing an epic and overly long personal essay on the subject of Okkervil River. Right now, I'm writing it for no reason in particular, just because I had a lot to say about them and their influence on my musical world and my emotional state, the high I get after their shows, the way I've watched them grow up... I wanted to get some of the thoughts on all of that and more out of my system, maybe just in an effort to stop talking about it to anyone who will listen.

But it's coming along kind of nicely and I'm thinking about doing "something" with it, like possibly submitting it for publication to some yet undiscovered publication that publishes several thousand word essays about girls and their favorite bands.

I am wondering if any of you have any thoughts or ideas or memories or emotional blathering about the first or eighteenth time you heard or saw Okkervil River. I don't have to have introduced them to you for you to qualify, I'm just interested in other people's experiences and how they relate or differ from mine. I'd probably quote you and this might (might, might, might) be published, but I'll certainly email you a copy before I do that...

If you have anything, comment or email me. Thanks!!! Love!

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