
if she leaves in the middle of it, let her go

Selected bunny rubbin' tips from 'The Relaxed Rabbit: Massage for Your Pet Bunny'. I was thinking this might be helpful for y'all in other endeavors; as well as, of course, bunny massage.

Always begin with a light pressure and gradually increase the pressure. It is important to warm up the tissue before applying deeper work.

When making circular motions using any stroke, clockwise circles will have an increasing energy or stimulating effect, while counterclockwise circles lessen energy and are sedating.

Use both hands. If necessary, stabilize the body with your opposite hand while you isolate and work out tension with the other.

Try to maintain contact with the animal at all times during your session. This is reassuring and helps you stay focused and helps keep your pet relaxed. Imagine your hands moving the way water flows through a stream, in one long continuos motion.

Watch your pet's reaction to touch. Notice her facial expressions. Are her eyes closing? How is her breathing? [...] Perhaps she'll pay you the ultimate compliment of chattering her teeth.

Don't give up after the first few tries. Pets will quickly learn what to expect with your massage routine and will relax easily with your touch in time.

Follow your intuition and trust your hands. Use a routine as a place to begin, then add in your own moves. Let your pet inspire you.

Let your pet come to you when she is ready for massage. Is she resists at all, don't push it. Always let the animal be in control of the session. If she leaves in the middle of it, let her go.

Sanitation is important to prevent the spread of disease. Always wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after the massage. Remove any dangling or sharp jewelry before starting a session.

Massage time should be quality time. Turn off the phone, play relaxing music, turn down the lights... whatever makes it more relaxing for you both. Make massage a regular event and a magical bond will develop between you and your pet.

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