

About the top of the BookPeople parking garage:
There are bats! EVERYWHERE! Do you think it would work to get a fishing line and try to catch one?

About the 'name game':
Calling some random person on the street 'Tobin' is probably the funniest thing you could ever think of. Ever.

About 'Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer':
Cheesiest superhero movie since Adam West as Batman. Worse than Daredevil. For real. Also, I really hate Jessica Alba.

About Noah Baumbach's 'Kicking and Screaming':
I know I've talked up this movie to anyone who will listen enough already, but OMG how hilarious is it when Max is doing a voice for some stranger in the bar and he says "I'm thinking about getting 'I hate it' tattooed inside my mouth."? I LOVE THAT SHIT!!

About the jukebox at Austin's pizza:
Turns out that 25 selections is about 20 more than good songs in that thing. Oops.

About the arcade:
I feel like I'm pretty good at DDR and then I see the sweaty sweatshirted hispanic kid literally moving faster than the speed of light (literally!!!) and I don't really know what to think. I suck at Street Fighter, though. If only I had been Chun Li.

About 'The Last Waltz':
Better than I even remembered. Robbie Robertson's face! Dylan et al! Neil Young is so high! Van Morrison is so gross and awesome! I could kill Neil Diamond! I love Joni even when she's being a hippie! Yes!

About small jeans and very precise guitar playing and the funniest jokes ever and:
A thousand times yes.

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