
be here now.

Sorry I have been so lax with updates. Sometimes, life happens and the computer happens less.

Here's what I have been thinking about lately: letting go. Scanning over my blog entries over the last few months, I am reminded of my sentimental heart and the tight grip I keep on memories. I use nostalgia, in one form or another, as a starting point for creativity, emotion, humor, and most of my brain-space. I think it's an undeniable part of my personality to collect pieces of the past, but I also think that I need to start fighting it as a priority in my life.

The other night, on some insomnia-driven flight of fancy, I was talking to my boyfriend about the Past, the scary and sad bits from the last few months, the things that keep me awake and pacing with ideas about how they could be different or how they shaped the present-moment-me. And Brian, in his sweet and wise way, was all "you're just talking about things you have no control over at all. Why don't you just let go?"

Yeah... why don't I?

So I'm putting an official-like hold on some of the features of this blog while I think about how to talk about the simple present and the endless, wonderful, scary, undecided future. See you there.


Blogger e.b. said...

I absolutely love this entry. I know you wrote it for you but I really needed it. Thanks Summer.

August 27, 2008 at 9:45 PM  

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